Thursday, 5 May 2011

Hayao Miyazaki

HAYO MIYAZAKI- Born jan 1941.
Japanese manga artist, who co-founded the much loved Studio Ghibli with Isao Takahata. Miyazaki uses still traditional hand drawn animation as his primary technique, with the occasional dabble in computer animation

Miyazaki's narratives are notable for not pitting  a hero against an unsympathetic antagonist. In Spirited Away, Miyazaki states "the heroine (is) thrown into a place where good and bad dwell together. she mangoes not because she has destroyed the 'evil' but because she has acquired the ability to survive."  Miyazaki's films often emphasis environmentalism and the Earth's fragility, in an interview Miyazaki claimed that modern culture is "thin and shallow and fake" and looking forward to an apocalyptic age in which "wild green grasses" took over. He id critical of capitalism, globalisation and their impacts on modern life. Miyazaki has been called a feminist by Studio Ghibli President Toshio Suzki, in reference to his attitude to female workers and you can see this in his films, such as the all- female factories of Proca Rosso and Princess Monoke; this of course goes against gender roles common in Japanese animation and fiction. 
Miyazaki has sign up to Studio Ghibli for 3 more feature length films. 

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